International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation
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This is the homepage of the International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation (ICCMA). The competition aims at nurturing research and development of implementations for computational models of argumentation.

The first instance of the competition has been conducted in 2015 and was associated with the corresponding workshop "Theory and Applications of Formal Argument" (TAFA'15). The second instance of the competition has been conducted in 2017 and was associated with the corresponding workshop "Theory and Applications of Formal Argument" (TAFA'17). The third instance of the competition has been conducted in 2019 and was associated with the "28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence" (IJCAI'19). The fourth instance of the competition has been conducted in 2021 and was associated with the "30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence" (IJCAI'21). The fifth instance of the competition has been conducted in 2023 and was associated with the " 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning" (KR'23).

ICCMA'25 is currently being organised, find updates here.


Last updated 29.07.2024, Matthias Thimm | Terms