International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation
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  • September 2, 2024: tracks and rules published.
  • July 30, 2024: Website for ICCMA'25 has been created.

About ICCMA 2025

The series of International Competitions on Computational Models of Argumentation (ICCMA) aims at nurturing research and development of implementations for computational models of argumentation. ICCMA 2025 aims to

  1. to assess the state of the art in practical systems for reasoning in central argumentation formalisms, and
  2. to collect and re-distribute a heterogeneous benchmark set of reasoning problems in argumentation for further scientific evaluations.

ICCMA 2025 welcomes contributions from the community at large in the forms of

  1. new argumentation reasoning problem benchmarks, and
  2. implementations of argumentation reasoners (for abstract and assumption-based argumentation) that will be evaluated within ICCMA 2025 on a heterogeneous collection of benchmarks.
